ALL IN CARAVANING 2024About the German Pavilion Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD)

In cooperation with

Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD)

The representation of all interests of the caravanning industry vis-à-vis German and European representatives of politics, their committees, authorities and institutions plays a central role in the association’s far-reaching field of activity. In addition to issues of technology and standardization in vehicle construction, the focus here is on regulations and rules on consumer safety and environmental policy issues. As the mouthpiece of the industry, the CIVD also articulates the concerns, intentions and developments of the caravanning industry to the media and the public.

The detailed statistic information, which the CIVD has been compiling for decades in constantly rising extent, is considered as standard reading in the industry. The evaluated and prepared numbers, data and facts to the European and world-wide caravanning markets have become an indispensable part of the world-wide caravanning industry’s and international analysts’ work.

The CIVD subsidiary Caravaning Informations GmbH (CIG) is responsible for the association’s PR and marketing activities. In 2016, the CIVD won the renowned DGVM INNOVATION AWARD for its caravanning image campaign and was awarded the title “Association of the Year”. Now in its fourth generation, the campaign will continue to have a positive impact on the perception of caravanning as a leisure activity with TV commercials and online advertising media.

The international CARAVAN SALON in Düsseldorf plays a key role within the association’s activities. As the conceptual sponsor of the world’s largest trade fair for leisure vehicles, the CIVD creates important innovation and sales impulses for the European caravanning industry. In addition, the annual exhibition is an important multiplier for the positive image work of the association.

The CIVD is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V. (CIVD)
Geschäftsführer Herrn Daniel Onggowinarso
Hamburger Allee 14
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 704039-0
Fax: +49 69 704039-23

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