Alberts Allradtechnik
Booth number: A07-3
About us
As a manufacturer of expedition vehicles, we at Alberts Allradtechnik have 30 years of experience in the industry.
Robustness and quality form the foundation of our work, and we attach particular importance to only installing household technology from well-known manufacturers in our vehicles.
Each of our vehicles is built above market standards to meet the highest standards.
Our long experience has enabled us to precisely understand the needs and requirements of our customers and to optimize our vehicles accordingly.
All details are carefully thought out and implemented to ensure the highest level of reliability and functionality.
We stand for quality and care in every aspect of our production. From the selection of materials to the craftsmanship, we attach great importance to ensuring that our vehicles meet the highest standards.
Through constant innovations and further developments, we ensure that our vehicles will continue to meet the requirements of our customers in the future.
Heidkamper Weg 8a
27801 Neerstedt
Phone: +49 4432 9128758
Contact person:
Nils Alberts
General Manager
Phone: +49 4432 9128758
Jacob Hansen
Sales Manager
Phone: +49 155 10259033